Sunday, June 25, 2006


Hey everybody!  Once again, it has been a long time - guess that's how it is going to be.  I am not making anymore promises.

So, what's been going on lately?  Let's, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, and....oh yeah, work!  But that's it for me.  Tomorrow starts a new day for me; no more ridiculous overtime and sleepless nights.  I'm just going to do what I can...but enough about that, right?

This past Friday was my first day of orientation for UNCA....I'm really excited.  I was only allowed to sign up for 11 hours, so I signed up for Humanities, Physics: The Milky Way Galaxy, and Calculus 1.  This coming week I'll get to sign up for more - that is, if I am able to fit it into my schedule.  I can't wait for classes to start; I have been waiting for the moment I finally got to study what I wanted to.

Today I did something that I thought was really cool.  I changed the transmission fluid in my car and replaced the filter.  Can you believe it!?  Me working underneath the car with oil dripping all over me!  If I had a digital camera I would have taken pictures.  It was quite the sight.  But anyhow, I am very proud of what I accomplished - the transmission was slipping before I worked on it and it appears to have gotten a little better.  Perhaps I'll get another 6 months to a year out of the car - that would be great!

That's all for now - Deadwood is coming on!  If you haven't seen this show, you should start watching.  See ya!

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