Saturday, March 04, 2006

Sonnet 3-2-1: TiVo

I had to compose a sonnet today for my Literature class, so I thought I would share...

To refresh your memory (since you are probably not taking a literature class), a sonnet is a 14-line poem that has some sort of structure.  This sonnet, known as a Shakespearean or English sonnet, follows a rhyme scheme of ababcdcdefefgg.  I hope you enjoy.

Oh TiVo, dear TiVo, my beautiful electronic machine
You are so small and so compact
You hum away on the shelf appearing so serene
I love you more and more - I tell you, that's a fact!
You record all of my favorite shows
Suggesting others that I may enjoy
I can't help but brag to all my fellows
That you let me fast-forward, pause, rewind - oh boy!
I haven't even mentioned, all of the extra things
That make you so different from the rest
Like weather, photos, music, and local happenings
There's so much more, dear TiVo - I swear, you're the best!
I don't know how I made it, when there was no you and me
But now that we've come together, forever we will be.

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