Sunday, December 31, 2006

If anyone was actually reading this stupid blog, I have started a new one...
Use this link:

I won't be posting here anymore...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

It's About Time
Alright - I have been on vacation for about a week now so I thought I should post something. A couple of posts ago I promised to upload a picture of my new car - well, here it is:

Wait! What's that!? That's not a Yaris!!! Hehe :-) Let's just say that there is a really long and boring story as to how this came about. The short version of it is that this is the car that I have wanted for a while now and things just worked out well enough for me to own a brand new one. I love it - what a wonderful vehicle and so much room! Already, Joe and I have been to Johnson City and Knoxville (2, 1-day trips). Johnson City was fun, we went there for lunch and came back. Knoxville was not so fun. We thought we would go stay at the Marriott Downtown and visit the Knoxville Zoo. Well, the zoo sucked! It was hot and miserable and it seemed like we were the only ones there. A lot of the animals were off exhibit and those that were on exhibit looked as miserable as we did. So, we came back.

When we got back, I took these cool pictures outside while I was washing my new Scion xB...

Yesterday and today Joe and I painted the shutters, washed the siding, and painted the stucco that skirts the house. Tomorrow (if my foot stops hurting from squatting and painting all day), I hope to build a new planter in the yard with 5 Colorado Blue Spruce and 10 Holly somethin-or-other. I will definitely have to post pics of how that turns out.

School starts Monday but I have already been studying. Yeah, I know what you're thinking - overacheiver...but it's not like that. Two of my professors have already sent syllabi and suggested we get started on some required reading. So I have been reading "The Epic of Gilgamesh" for my Humanities course. What an interesting read - suprisingly I have really enjoyed this "scholarly" book. Next I'll start on "Feud: Hatfields, McCoys, and Social Change in Appalachia, 1860-1900" for my Labor in the Modern South course. This is an advanced history class that the professor warns will entail approx. 225 pages of reading per week - how fun!

Anyways - I'll try to post some pics tomorrow if I get the planter done...

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Found this on today - do you think it's for real?

Then after you watch here.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What's going on over there?

I have never really been one to devote much time following what's going on in the Middle East.  It all sounds so senseless every time I try to make any sense of it.  Someone told me the other day that conflicts over there have been run of the mill for thousands of years.  Thousands of years!  What's up with that!?

Anyways, something about what's going on now has gotten under my skin.  It's not the oil - I could really care less since our dependence on it is our problem, not the world's.  Two countries fighting or even going to war doesn't bother me much either, it's going to happen - I wish it wouldn't, but it does happen.  The prospect of our, America's, involvement worries me a little.  After watching the movie Syriana last year I have to wonder how much we are involved when stuff like this happens, or escalates.

No, what bothers me about the whole thing is everyone's passiveness about what is going on.  Not the news, not our government, not the United Nations, but everyday people.  Like I said before, attitudes like "this has been going on for thousands of years", or "those countries over there are always fighting" are somewhat unsettling.  How come no one cares?  I mean, surely they care on some level?  Should I not really care?  Is it more religious fanaticism?

Now everything bothers me.  I want to learn about what is really going on.  I want to learn why thousands of years of war and fighting has just resulted in more of the same.  I want to learn why people dying, missiles flying, and bombs exploding isn't that big of a deal to those around me.  I want to learn what kind of religion, or what god could possibly be intermingled in all this violence.  Right now, it is still just senseless to me.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Cool video - fun...

Check out this video - it's about 6 minutes, but pretty neat (especially if you like magic)...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

BIG news!

OK - so this is going to be the biggest news that I have ever posted on my blog. But, let's start at the beginning...

You may recall in my last post that I changed my transmission fluid and replaced the filter on my '98 Mercury Sable. This kind of built up my car repair confidence. So Sunday, I decided to "bleed" my brake lines and replace the front disc brakes. I was having problems with my brakes sometimes having a lot of pressure and then sometimes me putting the brake all the way to the floor - so I knew some sort of repair was needed. In the past month my brakes had started squealing as well.

Much to my and Joe's surprise, everything went great! He helped me bleed the lines and I got my pressure back. I replaced the front brakes with no problem. I don't think they really needed to be replaced, perhaps just sanded down to rough-up the surface, but I replaced them anyways. The car drove like a champ and I was just feeling great that I had saved hundreds of dollars by doing these repairs myself . . . .

But then Monday happened. Monday (drum roll please), I traded in the Sable for a brand new Polar White 2007 Toyota Yaris S-Sedan! Can you believe it!? I still can't...But it's true (I can see it right now in the driveway). Joe put up most of the money for the car as a graduation/birthday gift - he is so good to me :-) I paid for the rest from savings and the trade of course. I don't have a digital camera yet - so here are some pictures I stole from --

I am really stoked about this new car. First, I have never had a brand new car before. I drove it off the lot and it only had 12 miles on the odometer. Now I also understand why everyone likes new car smell. AND, the best part of all - I get the best gas mileage ever! 34 city and 39 on the highway. Now I don't have to worry about wasting gas when driving back and forth from school to work and home again. We can't wait to travel in it out of town - so more to come later on all of our traveling adventures.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Hey everybody!  Once again, it has been a long time - guess that's how it is going to be.  I am not making anymore promises.

So, what's been going on lately?  Let's, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, and....oh yeah, work!  But that's it for me.  Tomorrow starts a new day for me; no more ridiculous overtime and sleepless nights.  I'm just going to do what I can...but enough about that, right?

This past Friday was my first day of orientation for UNCA....I'm really excited.  I was only allowed to sign up for 11 hours, so I signed up for Humanities, Physics: The Milky Way Galaxy, and Calculus 1.  This coming week I'll get to sign up for more - that is, if I am able to fit it into my schedule.  I can't wait for classes to start; I have been waiting for the moment I finally got to study what I wanted to.

Today I did something that I thought was really cool.  I changed the transmission fluid in my car and replaced the filter.  Can you believe it!?  Me working underneath the car with oil dripping all over me!  If I had a digital camera I would have taken pictures.  It was quite the sight.  But anyhow, I am very proud of what I accomplished - the transmission was slipping before I worked on it and it appears to have gotten a little better.  Perhaps I'll get another 6 months to a year out of the car - that would be great!

That's all for now - Deadwood is coming on!  If you haven't seen this show, you should start watching.  See ya!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Stuff from the web...

First of all, you have to check out this site and watch the entire video...

I saw these before/after pics on my daily video on my TiVo. I grabbed them from another blog and thought I would post...Pretty wild huh? After I found those I searched for more and found the ocean/islands one.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Post Memorial Day

What a fabulous weekend!

I took Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off and it was fabulous! I got tons of stuff done around the house and, of course, plenty of R and R. We saw two movies at the theatre, The DaVinci Code and See No Evil. The DaVinci Code was OK, not that much better than the book. See No Evil was just your basic slasher/horror movie - entertaining but nothing special.

I spent a lot of time working outside, workin' my tan at the same time of course. I planted 4 Colorado Blue Spruce, 3 Azaleas, and killed weeds. Doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Yesterday, I grilled a big juicy steak, 3 chicken breasts, chicken wings, shrimp, and corn on the cob - delicious!!!

My next big projects will be to plant 30 Privet hedges, turn the front lawn into an actual "grass" lawn, and add some privacy lattice to the bottom of our deck in the front. All of this should keep me busy throughout the summer.

I started, today, on my third week of my exercise routine. So far so good - I am actually starting to enjoy it. Right now I am doing situps, pushups, and 30 minutes on the treadmill (walk-run-walk). It's going good too since my weird weight gain has plateaued, that is, I am no longer gaining but I'm not losing either. I think that I am at the perfect weight now (180), if I could just maintain that I would be a very happy person.

Work is crazy - lots of deadlines which translates into lots of extra work.

That's all for now - good night to all of my fans!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Too long!

OK, I know...It's been waaaaaayyyyy too long!

So much has happened since my last post.  I have been extremely busy between school and work; this past week was my first chance to really catch a breath.  I graduated from ABTech last Friday and I am now officially a college graduate!  I now have an Associate in Science degree and will begin taking classes at UNCA in August.  As you can tell, I will have the summer off which should give me some badly needed relaxation time and more time to spend with my honey, Joe.

I started exercising this week.  My goals is to exercise at least 3 days per week, running on our treadmill for 30 minutes and doing as much sit-ups and push-ups as I can.  Maybe one day I'll have a real hot bod that I wouldn't be ashamed to post a picture of - hehe :-).  I also ordered this new undershirt that I am going to try to help my skin.  It's called Under Armour and it is supposed to be better for your skin than 100% cotton.  I'll post on how that turns out.

I mentioned previously that I graduated last weekend (high honors & phi theta kappa).  Well, my brother and his girlfriend also graduated last weekend as well.  We had a nice family get together last Saturday with my Mom, Dad, aunt, uncle, and 3 brothers.  It was a nice couple of hours and good to see everyone together.

Lot's to come - I promise this time that I will try to post more often.  Should be a fun summer upcoming with lots to share - stay tuned!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I had to read this play for my literature class and I really enjoyed it.  It is a Greek play by Sophocles called OEDIPUS THE KING.  It's a fun read, believe it or not, and has a really twisted but interesting plot.

I didn't realize that it had been so long since I posted.  Just so you know, I have homework that I should be doing right now.  But I felt that I should probably post something to catch "everyone" up.  So, work is busy, very busy.  Still enjoying it though and learning a lot.  School is great.  Almost done - just two more weeks!  I have spring break next week and then just two weeks of classes after that.  Then I'll be off all summer long.  I can't wait!  That reminds me...I received my acceptance yesterday for University of North Carolina - Asheville.  I am so excited!  I'll be attending a real university this fall!

I should have lots of time to post over the next week.  It may even be never know.

Monday, April 03, 2006


I wish I had something to really talk about, something of substance at least. Life has been in fast-forward as of late. If it's not one thing it is another. From tests to reports to more tests to meetings to deadlines to more meetings, it's all just kind of making my head spin at the moment. I'm sure it will all slow down soon, but meanwhile time is just flyin' by!

I've started on my third and final speech for my public speaking class. I am going to attempt to persuade my young, uninterested audience to consider investing, despite their age or circumstance. I'm excited - just not sure that they're going to be too excited. I've also started on my term paper for my intro. to politics class - I think I have settled on the general topic of globalization, I'm just not sure what angle I am going to use. More to come on that, I am sure I'll post most of what I end up writing for that paper anyways.

Joe and I started watching this new show a couple of weeks ago, its called "Black. White." It has been very enlightening as it deals with society, race, and perceptions. The premise of the show is that two families, one black, one white, are put in a house together. While living together, the white family is put in black makeup (believe me it looks real) and white makeup for the black family. In their new skin they go out and get to experience life from the perspective of another ethnicity. This show is definitely worth anybody's time, no matter what your opinion or lack thereof.

Oh yeah - I have been dreaming a lot too. Weird stuff. The weirder part is that I am remembering them. In one dream I killed my brother and I am running around my hometown wondering what to do with his body (was definitely glad to wake up from that one - I really like the whole "once you wake up the dream doesn't continue" rule.) Others have been someone at work telling me that I only need to whiten my "uppers", as if we were talking about dentures. Another odd one was in this weird summer camp for young adults - the youngest daughter from the TV show 7th Heaven, Ruthie, was walking behind me in line and she called up her brother (who for some reason was my high school best friend) to ask him to fix her car. I turned around and said, "So how is Kevin? We go way back you know?" Then we just stood there and talked casually about how wonderful he was, yada yada yada. Believe me, that is all you want to hear from me about him. I could write a book, and probably should. Anyways, she went on to tell me that he was living up in Tennessee (<--? awfully close to NC, but pursuing a dream would just be creepy, right?), had a really good job - and then I woke up. If this keeps up, my blog could become very entertaining - at least I think so.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Surely there's something to talk about...

Well, not much really.  Hopefully it will snow tonight - that would be nice.  Busy weekend coming up, I'll try to post something.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Parody for Literature Class

Yeah I know - it's been a long time since I posted.  I actually have a lot to talk about - just not enough time.  Here is a parody I just finished writing for my literature class - it's a fun read.  I've posted first the song lyrics that I used for my parody.  This is a really good song and I really enjoy it - hopefully my parody is never turned into a song.  I should be able to post again either tomorrow or Monday...

James Blunt - You're Beautiful Lyrics

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan. 
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you. 
 Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end. 
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
 Parody by Justin - My Presidency 
My presidency is genius.
My vice-president, a true master.
On 9-11 we all saw terrorism.
On 9-11 I saw opportunity.
American turned to me.
I was their man.
No more vacations in Texas,
Because now I have a plan. 
You're a terrorist.  You're a terrorist.
You're a terrorist, fuck you.
I can hear your voice on your wire-tapped phone,
And I know just what to do,
Off to Guantanamo with you. 
Yeah, you're in my way,
I have an agenda to follow through.
I'll won't share any internal memos because I'm the,
Fucking president,
And I don't think we'll see Osama again,
But that's OK – we have Saddam.
You're a terrorist.  You're a terrorist.
You're a terrorist, fuck you.
I can hear your voice on your wire-tapped phone,
And I know just what to do,
Off to Guantanamo with you.
You're a terrorist.  You're a terrorist.
You're a terrorist, fuck you.
There's my dad and Bill with a smile on their face,
As they realized I pulled the big one on you.
You can bank on it – you'll never hear the truth
From my administration, we'll always lie to you.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

What an awesome day!

I got so much done today - it's unreal! To start off, I woke up late - but that's OK, I get so little sleep during the week, a couple of extra hours on the weekend sure doesn't hurt. Anyways, after waking up, Joe and I managed to go grocery and shoe shopping. Then we came home and I wrote a 5-page term paper on Type 1 Diabetes for my Health & Wellness class. After all this, Joe and I sat down to eat a wonderful Sunday dinner: fried chicken breast, macaroni and cheese, green beans, and croissants. Mmmmmm! Thanks Joe for cooking all that delicious food! After that I took a break and retired to the TV to watch a few comedies and eat dessert. Now most Sundays I would stop there, but not today. After a while, I decided to work from home for a bit - accomplishing a whole lot that I probably could not have accomplished in 8 hours at work! Still not enough, I have time left over to write on my blog, catch up on The Week magazine and drink my Sleepytime tea. Like I said, what an awesome day! I feel like I got so much done and it still ended up feeling like a Sunday. I've got a fun week coming up...Physics test on Tuesday, Politics test on Wednesday, and I have to start working on my next speech. Hopefully I'll have lots to share...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Sonnet 3-2-1: TiVo

I had to compose a sonnet today for my Literature class, so I thought I would share...

To refresh your memory (since you are probably not taking a literature class), a sonnet is a 14-line poem that has some sort of structure.  This sonnet, known as a Shakespearean or English sonnet, follows a rhyme scheme of ababcdcdefefgg.  I hope you enjoy.

Oh TiVo, dear TiVo, my beautiful electronic machine
You are so small and so compact
You hum away on the shelf appearing so serene
I love you more and more - I tell you, that's a fact!
You record all of my favorite shows
Suggesting others that I may enjoy
I can't help but brag to all my fellows
That you let me fast-forward, pause, rewind - oh boy!
I haven't even mentioned, all of the extra things
That make you so different from the rest
Like weather, photos, music, and local happenings
There's so much more, dear TiVo - I swear, you're the best!
I don't know how I made it, when there was no you and me
But now that we've come together, forever we will be.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Rich and Poor + In Between

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the majority of us fall somewhere in between.

As I said in my previous post, there are valid reasons that can be generally applied to American society as to why this statement is true.  Yes there are exceptions to this generalization - but for the most part, it holds true.  Rather than argue this point, consider the following.

If economic status was governed by the same rules that steer evolution, the disparities between the rich and the poor would begin to eliminate themselves.  In an ideal world, someone who was poor and underprivileged without the ability or skills to elevate their socioeconomic status would also not be able to sustain a quality of life that would be conducive to reproduction and child-rearing.  A lack of adequate resources would spell certain death for any offspring and the chain of DNA would end.  This is evolution.  This is how the earth has "lived" for millions of years.  Although cold and harsh from a human perspective, without it, our existence as intelligent beings would quite possibly never have come to fruition.  Evolution is built into our DNA.  In the long run, I think evolution will win out over human intelligence - but in the short term, we sure seem to be giving it a run for its money.

Humanity, and therefore, society interferes with evolution by way of religion, government, health care, or other aid-bearing or life-altering entities that enable the weak to survive right alongside the strong.  So is it humanity, then, that dictates that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?  Is it humanity that seems to infinitely spawn the need for more humanity?  Would you not agree that if it wasn't for humanity than life would carry on as it has for millions of years - only allowing the strong to survive? 

Look at the man or woman who greets you at Wal-Mart.  Think about the nice man that bags your groceries.  Think of that person that isn't so bright and sometimes makes you wonder how they make it around in life.  Our instinct via conditioning urges us to be compassionate to the less fortunate, offering charity and love so that they may enjoy life as you and I do.  Now look at them through the eyes of evolution.  In the end, most of us end up looking out for our own well-being.  But bureaucracies, government, and societies are not human beings that are hard-coded with the will to survive.  It is in these entities that humanity and compassion can take on entirely different forms that will likely end up causing more harm than good. 

Evolution tells us why the rich get richer, but why do the poor get poorer?  Would evolution just put them out of their misery?  Perhaps evolution is more humanitarian seeing as how it would prevent suffering, eliminating the possibility for the poor to get poorer.  Perhaps the poor get poorer because we try too hard to help them better their selves?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tired of Wal-Mart haters!

I am taking an Introduction to Politics class this semester (had class this evening in fact) and I am so sick of hearing negative comments about Wal-Mart (in reference to globalization). People randomly spout off obscene facts regarding employment practices, benefit and salary information, and the community impact of this behemoth organization. I actually like the company and just wish that I had "bought in" back when all the Waltons did - only to become billionaires.

Unfortunately, my ignorance or lack of factual information prevented me from countering a lot of the crazy facts people came up with to prove how Wal-Mart is corrupting the world. Well that's changed. I sat down to read Sunday's newspaper (yeah I know today is Wednesday) and there was a guest commentary in the editorial section from our local Sam's Club General Manager. Wally Amerson did a good job of countering the negative propaganda that is obviously running rampant through some circles, especially the overly liberal and excessively vocal young adult age group (18-30). He cited as a source for a lot of his statistics. Both links that I provided are worth at least looking at - if you can spend time looking for all the things that Wal-Mart does wrong, at least take a minute to look at things from their perspective. Amerson mentions in his oped that a lot of this propaganda is propagated by unions and this actually makes a lot of sense. Unions are actually organizations that collect dues from their members. Imagine if a union was successful at unionizing Wal-Mart employees. That right there spells plenty of motivation for ruthless tactics aimed to undermine the integrity of a corporation in the public eye.

Needless to say - I won't stop shopping at Wal-Mart. Everyone talks about globalization as if it is something yet to come. I believe that it is here and any attempt to turn it around would end up crippling the global economy. If anti-WalMart-ers want to hold up Wal-Mart as the example of what globalization "has done" - I could only hope that all global corporations are run as successfully as Wal-Mart. If you feel like you are missing out and that Wal-Mart is taking all the jobs and only making the rich richer - well buy some Wal-Mart stock and put a sock in it!

The rich get richer because they are smart with money and usually pass on this socially and economically valuable skill to future generations. Likewise, the poor get poorer because they are not smart with money and manage it irresponsibly, also passing on their mismanagement skills to future generations. If you don't like your economic status, educate yourself and aim to do better - don't blame it on other people, businesses, cities, states, federal government, and please, stop blaming Wal-Mart!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Where did the time go?

Stock tip!  Valence Technology, Inc. (VLNC) - I haven't got to do any research on this one yet, but I have a good feeling.  They manufacture lithium-ion batteries and the next big market for these batteries will be hybrid vehicles.  The stock is dirt cheap right now - a small investment of a couple of hundred dollars could end up being very rewarding.  Hopefully I'll get to do my homework on it this weekend or next and I will post whether I ended up buying or not.  If it does end up making you wealthy - please share (with me).

Anyways, you might notice that I have added Google News on the right hand column.  A good friend pointed out this news source to me (don't know how I missed it seeing as how I am a Google-addict) and I have added it to my list of daily viewed websites.  I still like Drudge Report but Google News has the breadth of coverage that I need.

Work is great!  I got the Wiki up and running!  I love it!  If you have been looking for the perfect collaboration tool for your job - this is it!  The best part is that it is free, open source software.  We have a technology committee on my job and we are going to try using it to manage and collaborate our projects/goals for the department.  It has really great potential and it is very user friendly.  Visit to discover this awesome software.

I did my ribs speech yesterday.  Most everyone was disappointed that I didn't bring any - I guess I should have seen that coming.  Anyways - the speech was much better than my first.  I stayed under time (may have talked too fast) and I remembered to breathe.  Now that that is over with, I have to start working on my next speech - informative.  I wrote down two topics for approval at the last minute - to inform about the AIDS/HIV virus or Type I (juvenile onset) Diabetes.  I should be able to make something out of one of these topics.

For anyone that actually reads this thing - I am going to try to start posting more regularly.  I am finding this outlet (blogging) to be very therapeutic and would recommend it to anyone.  More to come...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Work, work, and school...

Yep - just more of the same.  This might not actually be an interesting journal if I don't do anything but work and study!  Work has been crazy the past two days.  I got my Wiki server installed but I haven't been able to get it fully functional yet - technical problems that I really shouldn't get into on here.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on it much more this week.  As I said in my previous post though, if on the off chance that someone actually does read my blog and just so happens to know a little about Wikis - think you can help me out with some "Premature end of script errors"?

In the news: the gay rights issue is picking up here an Asheville, it made the front page again for the third time within a week.  It will be interesting to see what happens with it.  I haven't seen anything in the national/international news that I am real passionate about - so no commentary from me.

School is OK - had a nasty test last night in my Intro to Literature class (Literature isn't my favorite subject).  Upcoming I have, of course, my "Ribs" speech that I referenced in my last entry.  I've also got to start working on my Health paper - my topic is going to be Juvenile (Type I) Diabetes.

I'll leave you with a neat quote I found last night when studying poetry for my Literature class.  This is a type of poetry called chiasmus (pronounced ky-AZ-mus).  Go to this site to learn more:

"One shoots and shoots and can't hit; the other hoots and hoots and can't . . . you finish it yourself."

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My first post...

Alright, here it goes - my first post. Read the blog description for the basics on me. In my links you will find: I don't really have anything to talk about today, Joe and I spent the weekend just chillin' out - catching up on old TV shows and such. We did watch a really good movie yesterday, Lord of War with Nicholas Cage. Before that we watched I "Heart" Huckabees which I thought was pretty good, weird but good. Joe and I made ribs (I included some pics), I will use these for my first speech in my Public Speaking class. I'll give this speech on the 27th - hopefully it will be better than my self-intro that I gave when the class first started.

I just started reading this new magazine, The Week. I really enjoy this mag, it summarizes all the news from the week and offers viewpoints from all the major newspapers (domestic and international) as well as highlights from all the editorials and columnists. Even though I just started reading it - I am already behind. I just got done with last week's issue. I can't believe all this mess about the cartoons. I mean, come on! Someone draws some cartoons to "illustrate" the violent tendencies of Muslim fundamentalists and the East responds with more violence. If anything, this whole fiasco just shows the world how fanatical these fundamentalists really are.

Of course, it seems like the media wants to discuss "more important things" - that is, Dick Cheney's screw up. I have to say, I am already sick of this story. Yeah he is secretive, perhaps even more so than Bush himself - but come on! Aren't there more important issues in the nation and the world other than how Cheney went about informing the press?

This week should be interesting. I am going to try to bring live a Wiki at work to initially use for project collaboration. If anyone does end up reading my blog and just happens to know a little about Wikis, feel free to post some advice. I hope to post on here most everyday, sharing what happened, what didn't, and what I thought about the day's news. Everyone's comments and opinions are welcomed.